

One to log them all

Since the beginning of our open source engagement (and my personal java life), we've been working with log4j. By that time, log4j was de-facto standard in the JAVA world. However, it's time to say Goodbye to an old friend and move on to SLF4J. (more…)

Leon August 19, 2013

MoSKito Demo Night in Kiev

Tonight, December, 10, MoSKito is going to appear in public…

Dmytro Mrachkovskyi December 10, 2012

November news

The last two month were so full with news and even fuller with work, that we had no time to publish october news, so november news have to tell all the stories. (more…)

Leon December 2, 2012

September news

This is a short overview of topics in opensource that took place in september. (more…)

Leon October 2, 2012