

Enable logback in JBoss

About 10 years ago log4j was the logging framework for java. Years passed and many logging frameworks emerged. For many people, including myself, logback is the new log4j (and that is not only because of Ceki). Unfortunately it is not possible to run logback as slf4j implementation OOTB in JBoss like in Tomcat. The following 5 steps explain you how to get it running. (more…)

Leon March 16, 2015

One to log them all

Since the beginning of our open source engagement (and my personal java life), we've been working with log4j. By that time, log4j was de-facto standard in the JAVA world. However, it's time to say Goodbye to an old friend and move on to SLF4J. (more…)

Leon August 19, 2013