New built-in tags
We continuously monitor how other developers use MoSKito with a wide variety of their web-apps, we carefully listen to their feedback and in response we keep adding new features along with tweaking existing ones to make MoSKito more and more robust with every released version. Today we would like to introduce you two more built-in tags. These new tags were found to be highly useful in real working environments. They will save you a lot of time and they will allow you to understand reasons behind certain bugs much easier. (more…)
Using Tags to catch unexpected bugs
MoSKito has many powerful features, it can monitor almost every aspect of your application, it is the worlds best open-source APM for Java. But sometimes all this functionality can be a bit overwhelming to the user, and you might run into some issues figuring out how monitor your app efficiently. To address this, and give you an example of problem solving with MoSKito, today we will give you an insight on a real life case of tracing bugs and optimizing your application using MoSKito. (more…)
Monitoring existing application using MoSKito Javaagent
In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to use MoSKito Javaagent to monitor existing web-application with no changes to the app's source code. We will show how to add MoSKito Javaagent to the app deployed in Tomcat servlet container, and how to connect to this app using MoSKito Inspect. (more…)